Thursday, June 18, 2009

New Additions

Dakota and Shelby have been begging us every 5 minutes for these cute little bunnies! I can't believe we gave in, ok yes I can, they are so cute and cuddly! As of now they are bunny A and B, we want to see what kind of personality they have before giving them their names!
Cola watching guard while the bunny nibbles on my flowers, wait, not my flowers! Good thing they will be living in the back yard and can eat walnut leaves..

This is a rare occasion with the two of them hugging and getting along! I love when they are like this and treasure each moment.

I really do think bunnies are fun! This little one loves to run all over the yard and was trying to hide from cola.

Cola was very intrigued by these little creatures. They finally warmed up, and i think they will get along just fine!


Lynda said...

So very, very adorable!! When did you have TIME this week to get them?!

karen louise said...

I can't believe Cola likes them so much! That is sooo funny!!!! BTW your yard looks sooooo good Joni!