Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hiking the "Y"

Here we are at the beginning of the entrance to the "Y" mountain! I went to bed Sunday night filled with anxiety about this hike we were about to go on, I layed awake all night trying to tell myself that I could do it and when it came time to really head up that trail i was so scared! I didn't want my children see me fail!!

I was a little nervous that John was not with us because I knew I could only help myself at this point make it to the top. I didn't worry about Madi and Marisa, i knew they could do it, it was more Shelby and Dakota i worried about. This might sound a little crazy but i told them they couldn't hang on me or I'd never make it!! Shelby walked up like it was just a walk in the park, Dakota struggled about half way but, he and I had a talk and we put on our brave faces and kept moving!

When we finally arrived at the top, i just wanted to cry! I made it, I made it!!! I would never have been able to do this had i not had the support of my sisters and my kids! My sisters helped with my kids and i am so thankful!!

The kids and I at the top! All of us so happy to have made it! It's not a long hike, but straight up and going down was a challenge!

Shelby and I hiking the last stretch:) We all had a blast and want to do it again soon! Karen and I have made plans to hike Timp at the end of summer. I better get loosing those last 40 lbs:)

Me and 3 of my cute amazing sisters, Julie, Shari and Karen! We missed you Shelley!


karen louise said...

That was a crazy hard hike!! I can't believe we actually did it!! Woohoo! :) I'm so proud of you! It was so much fun doing that with you guys, and I look forward to doing Timp in August! :)

Lynda said...

Wow! You never cease to impress me, Joni! You have become Wonder Woman. That is so awesome!

Pyatt said...

Joni...you are looking so GOOD!! What a fun hike to do with your kids...I haven't hiked that since my twenties...good for you!!!