Thursday, September 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Shelby Jean Marie!

Eight years ago today, The earth stood still as we watched in horror at what terrorist can do in a few moments. I remember that day as if it were yesterday, I think we all do.....

I also remember the 1 year anniversary as if it were yesterday also. I remember waking up at midnight in labor, 3 weeks early and thinking, I can NOT have this baby on 9/11! I didn't want my baby to share a day with all the grief the world shared on this day. As we arrived at the hospital there were many other ladies who felt the same way, we were all crying and carrying on about how we had to wait till the next day! I had an emergency C-section and by 6:00 A.M. I was holding my sweet bundle of joy... SHELBY! For that moment I forgot about the grief and enjoyed this new life i was holding, and suddenly life didn't seem so bad! This was a good thing to happen on the anniversary of the worst terror attack on US soil! This new year brought a new life and joy to so many

Shelby, we love you so much and we are grateful to have your special spirit in our home! You bring joy to us every day and always keep us laughing! You are the bright spot of 9/11, the year after! Happy Birthday baby!


Pyatt said...

She is a cutie Joni!! By the way...Swiss days looks so fun!! Maybe Jill and I should crash that party sometime!

karen louise said...

So dang cute!!!!!!! Happy birthday little Shelb!!! Did you eat lunch with her today? :)

Julie said...

Ah... so dang cute!!!!! Is she a tiny Jill Miller or what? I loved your post and it's good to look at it as bringing in a new life on that day. It's makes the world a brighter place and much happier

Joni said...

Yes, John and I both ate with her at school and took cupcakes to her class! Was a good day for all!

Lynda said...

Happy Birthday, Shelby! I miss you! You make September 11th a GOOD thing, and we all love you.