Sunday, March 7, 2010

Talcahuano, Chile

I have had a pen pal in Chile for about 25 years, Igor Castro. My good friend Angie introduced us to each other while she was on her mission in Chile. We wrote each other faithfully for many, many years.. Things happened like marriage, kids, life, and we lost track of each other. A few months ago i was able to get connected to him through facebook and we have caught each other up on our lives. When the earthquake hit Chile, I was so worried that my friend did not make it.. For days i tried to find any news of him and then on Thursday he sent me a note on facebook telling me he was alive! He told me of the quake and then the tsunami that hit his town, He lives in one of the hardest hit areas. His whole town is gone! It's hard to imagine that kind of destruction and he sees it first hand. I'm grateful that his life was spared, and my heart goes out to those who lost loved ones, their homes, friends and there life as they once knew it.


karen louise said...

That is soo sad! I'm so glad he is ok! I didn't even know you had this penpal in Chile! That is awesome that you have made contact again with him through facebook...isn't it great? I love reconnecting with people there.

Lynda said...

There have been so many tragedies in the world, lately. I'm so glad that Igor is ok. It reminds me how important it is to count my blessings!