Thursday, April 23, 2009

Go Madi!

Madi passing the ball in, not only does she have a strong kick, she can throw the ball pretty far!
I really enjoy going to soccer games! Sometimes I almost fly out of my seat with excitement!

You can almost see the muscles in her legs bulging! She has a very strong lower half!
I think we have pretty much decided to go for triple A. It takes a lot more dedication,time and money but, she is worth every penny! Her ultimate goal is to play high school, college, and then go pro! She definitely has it in her and with a lot of hard work i know she can do it! So, proud of our madi wadie!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

More of Bear lake

My little hunk of love!! So into all the boats and the water.
Jordan and Madison love splashing everyone in sight!

Dakota and Madison Love the water! Both spending hours at the pool!

scary picture of me... but i love swimming with my kids

This was a crazy looking boat, I'm assuming they us it as a tourist attraction in the summer

Jordan taking care of Shelby by the water. They had a great time together!

The harbor where all the action is during the summer.

Cool Madi doing her usual pose.

Dakota was making me nervous, I just knew he was going to fall in!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bear Lake

We Left for Bear Lake on Tuesday afternoon and, after driving through rain, sleet,hail , snow and fog we arrived at 7:00. The kidos were very restless and anxious to go swimming, so i sent John to the pool while i unpacked. The condo is very spacious and John and i had the top floor to ourselves! The kids enjoyed the main level and the deck! We all went to bed around midnight and, at 7 A.M Dakota was standing by my bed asking when and what we were doing for the day!

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Easter has arrived! The kids got us up around 7:30 which is a lot later then I thought they would! Shelby being the youngest, was so excited she was bouncing off the walls! She still believes so, we have to keep it alive as long as possible.I boiled 64 eggs and we all had fun coloring them, Now who is going to eat them all?? Yikes!
The Easter Bunny put the baskets on the kitchen counter, I guess he thought the dog, Cola would eat all the chocolate!!

Sometimes it's hard to keep the true meaning of Easter with all the stuff that is out there in the stores these days, But we sat down with the children and explained why we have Easter and why it is so special to all of us. What a great day we had!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

John got a Job!

John got the call yesterday that we have been waiting for! He has been searching for a job since the beginning of February. He applied for kennecott a couple of weeks ago and was impressed with the place and, also will be doing what he went to school for many years ago. He will be working on all their equipment. He is like a little school boy! So excited!! He will be commuting a lot and we will look into moving closer if he really enjoys it there and feels like it is really stable. We appreciate all your love and concern through this trying time and are grateful for all the extra prayers sent our way! He will begin work on April 27th.

About the Mine:
.Kennecott's Bingham Canyon Mine has produced more copper than any mine in history - about 18.1 million tons.
.The mine is 2-3/4 miles across at the top and 3/4 of a mile deep. You could stack two Sears Towers (now known as the Willis Building) on top of each other and still not reach the top of the mine.
.The mine is so big, it can be seen by the space shuttle astronauts as they pass over the United States.
.By 2015, the mine will be at least 500 feet deeper than it is now.
.If you stretched out all the roads in the open pit mine, you'd have 500 miles of roadway - enough to reach from Salt Lake City to Denver.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My boy and his best friend

One afternoon Dakota went to the park with his best friend Cola. Skate board in hand, cola on the leash. They set out on their adventure together.

Dakota thought to his self, "I wonder if cola could pull me on my skateboard?" I guess that wont work! Cola, Wait for me!!

Playing hide and seek he thought would be fun, But where did he go? They had great fun together at the park! Thank you Angie, Clark and Desi for taking them!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools Day

I got up this morning, went into the kitchen and Jordan was sitting at the table eating and I had to take a double look. He had gone to someones house and had them buzz his hair off! I was so shocked i just stood there. I said " Jordan what on earth did you do to your hair?" He said it's an April fools joke mom! If it's a joke then it's not real right?? Well it's real! He is hairless!! I had to laugh because he was so proud of himself for coming up with such a fun joke for his mom!
There's more... I was getting the cereal boxes out and the kids were all telling Me which one they wanted. Madison said she wanted Kix , so i started to pour it into her bowl and frosted flakes came out! I was like, what the heck?? Dakota said" Gotcha Mom!" he had changed all the cereals around!! That was a good one!! Hope you all had as much fun as I did today!