Thursday, April 16, 2009

More of Bear lake

My little hunk of love!! So into all the boats and the water.
Jordan and Madison love splashing everyone in sight!

Dakota and Madison Love the water! Both spending hours at the pool!

scary picture of me... but i love swimming with my kids

This was a crazy looking boat, I'm assuming they us it as a tourist attraction in the summer

Jordan taking care of Shelby by the water. They had a great time together!

The harbor where all the action is during the summer.

Cool Madi doing her usual pose.

Dakota was making me nervous, I just knew he was going to fall in!


Lynda said...

Wow! It looks like great fun! So glad you had the opportunity to get away a little bit. It seems like it would be freezing, but the lake pictures look like you are all fairly comfortable? Enjoy the rest of your week off.

karen louise said...

That picture of Jordan and Shelby is soo cute!!! :) It does look like it was warm there..but I know for sure it wasn't because we are freezing out butts off here!

Missy said...

Maybe I'm odd, but I happen to love Bear lake in the winter! It's probably from all my years on the freezing oregon coast.

The pictures are fantastic (including the one of you!)