Friday, December 11, 2009

Tuesday, from bad to worse!

This is poor Madison on Tuesday morning....
Madison on Tuesday night, put in an ambulance and sent to Primary Children's!

Grandma giving Madi some extra love for her trip in the ambulance. This was very difficult for me to watch. It's hard enough to see your child break a bone, but to have them be as sick as she was about ripped my heart out!

These two guys were pretty funny! they actually got a smile out of madi!

Bishop Pectol and Brother Stayner came to give Madison a blessing before we left. Bishop has been an amazing support to us during this challenging time. The whole ward has been awesome, with prayers, phone calls, dinners and cards and gifts for Madison.

I had to put this picture in, This is what she looked like when we first brought her to the hospital. She scared the heck out of all of us! We are so lucky to have her here with us today. I have a new found testimony of prayer and the power of priesthood blessings. Madison will need continued prayers for a while now, she will have her leg put back together at Primary Children's Hospital Monday morning. With all the moving around her fractures have shifted a bit. It is going to be very painful for her and we have a long recovery a head of us. She will be in a full leg cast for 4 weeks and a half leg cast for 8 weeks and then a boot for 4 weeks. That puts us into April. The doctors feel pretty confident she will be able to return to soccer in late spring.


Pyatt said...

Oh Joni....I cringe everytime I see her and they are only pictures! My prayers are with you guys and I hope she has a speedy recovery!

karen louise said...

Poor little Madi :( I am sure that this has been really challenging and hard for you. I am continually praying for you guys every night. I am coming to see her tomorrow and to see what I can do to help out!

Shane's Angie said...

I'm so relieved she is home and stable. We were on pins and needles waiting to hear how she was from Dad. I'm keeping her in my prayers for a long time!