Sunday, December 6, 2009

Two more broken bones!!

Madison broke her Tibia and fibula last night at her futsol game. She fell and someone fell on top of her. It took 5 people to get her off the court and into the car. She was in so much pain and any slight movement sent her into orbit! We should have called for an ambulance because it made it more painful to carry her. We made it to the hospital and they immediately gave her morphine which did nothing the first round. Before the X ray they gave her more morphine and it seemed to calm her for a few minutes. When we saw the x ray we were so shocked! The fibula is broke just below the knee and the tibia at the bottom of her shin. She will have to have surgery to have pins placed to hold the bones together. We were also shocked that they would send her home! Bishop Pectol was with us along with my parents. We were able to give her a blessing before we made the trek home. After much distress we made it to my bedroom and she was able to rest for a while before we had to figure out how to get her to the bathroom. At 11:00 P.M. Shari Brown came over with a Port a potty and between the two of us we were able to slide her right on to it.. This is a picture when we first arrived! It's so very hard to see your child going through incredible pain!! I felt so helpless and at times cried myself.

We had a ruff night but we are finally on a pain management schedule and keeping on top of it! She seems to be doing a little better this morning.

We had a visit from Aunt Gail and Krystal this morning. Gail put madi's hair in a french braid, which came in handy when she threw up!! Later today i will attempt to give her a sponge bath and change her clothing! Please say extra prayers for the surgery to be a success and that she will be able to play her favorite sport in the future once again! A big thanks for those who helped in transporting her and for the many phone calls we have received! I will keep everyone updated on the surgery when the time comes!! Love to all!


JesseandJessieZawalski said...

Oh I am so sorry! I hope she is ok. I couldn't go through that and she is so strong to deal with it! Poor thing!

Lynda said...

I am so very, very sorry! I can't imagine that much pain and moving around with it. Please tell Madi we are praying for her and love her.

karen louise said...

Poor little Madi!! I am thinking of you guys! If you need me to come help wash her hair again give me a call!

Get better soon Madi!