Thursday, August 27, 2009


"One may walk over the highest mountain one step at a time"

I went to a weight watcher meeting last night and the teacher used this quote in helping us to see how to reach our goal. I have since thought about this and how we can apply this to our everyday life. We always have trials to deal with, whether they are big or small ,it only matters how we deal with them. Start at the bottom and work yourself up one step at a time, sometimes you may fall but you get up and keep climbing. You may need to take a rest here and there but eventually you will make it to the top! Take the time you need to get there, use the tools to help guide the way. Pretty soon your mountain will seem like a small hill.
I hope for those of you who are struggling right now can use this quote in your lives and that you may overcome your "Mountain" and feel peace, love and hope along the way!


Lynda said...

What a great quote and thought! Thank you for sharing it, Joni; I needed it.

Julie said...

Love that. I think we all needed that.