Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A 9 Year Journey!

After 9 Years of watching Biggest Looser, I find it amazing how many lives have been changed not only on the show but for those of us that watch it. I was on Facebook yesterday and I could not believe how many people were so excited to watch it last night. I know I have Blogged about this before but, for some reason last nights episode made me realize why I have been over weight my entire life, and here it is.... I've always felt like i have let people down because of my weight, sounds weird but, when you go through life feeling like you don't deserve love from anyone because you are over weight is a life long struggle for me and not feeling like i fit in anywhere has been difficult. It was easier to hide behind my food then to fix my problem. I thought about this for a long time last night and I wondered why my weight lose program is so different this time, why I am so determined, and then I realized the difference is, that I'm doing it for myself this time. I have had a huge awakening this past year with my health and I have chosen to change my way of living, to become physically, Emotionally and mentally strong.
Lately I have had a few women ask "When do you find the time to take care of you?" My answer is... I don't let anything get in my way! I need 2 hours a day to exercises, and track my food. I've had to say NO more often, I go to bed early so that i am rested for the next day, I'm totally focused!! It has to be the right time for YOU! I have spent so much money on my stupid diet fads, money I will never see, but now I KNOW that my life is worth so much more then money!
I am so grateful to all the contestants on The Biggest Looser, for their stories that inspire me for the trainers and all of the advice they have given. I would not be this determined without this show and now I know I can do this! I'm doing this for me:) I'm grateful for the loving support of my husband and my children, for the times when they push me, for when they eat Ice cream after I go to bed! So, for those of you that are struggling, find out whats holding you back and move forward, whether it's with weight or any other trial, You can do it!


Lynda said...

Thanks, Joni. Your post is so inspiring; just what I need to hear. What is most amazing to me is that you have been doing all this while in the midst of crazy trials and struggles - the time when most of us (me) give ourselves excuses to not exercise or watch what we are eating. Is there a way to send your story and post to Biggest Loser? I think they would love to hear about you.

karen louise said...

You are so inspiring Joni!! I have watched you the past while and you are doing sooo awesome! When I give in, you push forward and say "No!" and "Don't do it, Karen!"...I've learned a ton from you, and I'm going to get my butt in gear like you are!!

JesseandJessieZawalski said...

I'm so proud of you Joni. You are amazing and it takes a lot of determination. I'm sure your family is so proud of you and most important you can be proud of yourself. I am so happy you are happy.