Sunday, December 7, 2008

The spirit is strong in my heart today! As we talked about the true meaning of Christmas today in Church, I could not help but be overwhelmed with emotion thinking about the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. As we listened to stories and beautiful music and watched the Nativity I was in awe of how much i love the savior and how close i felt to him today. I guess you could say that i let him into my heart today and the feeling I had was much love and appreciation for what he has done for all of us! One of the ways I can let him in is to keep my heart open so that i may receive his love and be able to feel the spirit more often.. Too many times I go to church because I have to, and not because I want too. The warmth that i felt today is what i always want to feel, so I'm going to go to church with a new purpose and with much love in my heart for the Savior!


Bee Bee said...

I LOVE this Joni! You have inspired me so much with your posts. Thank you for sharing! I love yoU!

Angie said...

That's awesome! I love those Sundays when you feel the spirit so strong you want to shout! But even though it's not always that way I love going to church! Thanks for sharing your feelings with us they are so uplifting!

karen louise said...

I totally understand...sometimes I go to church just to go...and not to feel and to learn. I'm so glad you had this experience! Little things like this are exactly what you need to keep going and to keep your testimony's exactly how I learn, too!

Becca B said...

This painting is so very gorgeous. Thank you for this most personal and beautiful post. I wish I could have been to Sac. Mtg. and the fireside yesterday! This helped me catch a glimpse of it.
-'Becca Black

Lynda said...

This is a beautiful post, Joni, and I am so glad that you had the experience you did. It's so easy to forget that the Lord offers a feast of peace and restoration for us each Sunday - beginning at the Sacrament table. But often the worries of the week crowd our minds so that our heart can't perceive what is being offered. I'm so grateful that He is so patient with us, and keeps that feast there despite our readiness for it. I am also grateful that you have inspired us with this beautiful December theme.