Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Iv'e been tagged

I've been tagged by my good friend Lynda, 6 things I value, 6 things I don't value, and tag 6 blogger friends to do the same. we assume that everyone will place family (and friends) at the top of the list, so understand that that is just a given.
Things I value:

1. The truthfulness of the gospel and for the knowledge we have that we will be with our loved ones in the next life. To know that our families are forever.
2. My home where i know i am safe from the ugliness of the world a place of refuge.
3. Those rare day's when i feel wonderful ,alive, and can walk without the worst pain in my feet i have ever felt!
4. Okay, now the good stuff! CHOCOLATE!!!! That is a big comfort thing for me! Oh and Dr. Pepper!
5. Weekends and lazy day's... We all need those kind of day's to recharge ourselves!
6. My car! Those of you that walk everywhere, kudos to you!

Things I don't value:
1. Friendships that are fake.
2. Really hot weather! If I could live in a place where it was cloudy and rainy and cool i would.
3. Screaming! That's all I need to say
4. Diets! Why can't we all just be happy with what we were given? I hate thinking every day that that was my last cookie or Dr. pepper!!!
5. Yard work! Hate it! I wish my parents would hire out!!
6. Last ,but not least! Mopping my kitchen floor! Lynda, i will trade you bathrooms for my kitchen floor!

6 People im tagging


Julie said...

Gosh, now I have to think and write at the same time. Good thing I am home right now with no one home for hours, cause it might take me 49 hours to do this.

Shane's Angie said...

How could I have forgotten chocolate on mine? It is so very important to me...but, I'm not so fond of Dr. Pepper, I'm a Coke gal for sure, but if offered, I'll happily take Dr. P!

Lynda said...

After reading your list, I'm not surprised that we are friends! So much in common - thanks for doing this, it is so fun to read!