Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Gratitude day 19

Today I'm so grateful for the scouts who do these amazing projects to earn their Eagle! My nephew is doing the following concert to help stock the food bank for the holiday's. If you have Thursday night open and want to help with this project please come and support the food bank and this amazing young man! Information is as follows:

Musical Eagle Scout Project


My name is Mic Lopp and I am holding a concert for my Eagle Project to help gather food for Holiday Kits for the food bank that I will be putting together. The concert will include various groups from Timpanogos High School among others who will be sharing their talents for the community.

November 20, Concert time 6:30pm-7:30pm


Orem Junior High School Auditorium (765 N. 600 W. Orem)Admissions: 1 Item from the Holiday Kit listed below ( if you come as a family you can bring a whole kit.). In reality I need 200 food items to complete my kits so feel free to bring extra food. Money donations can also be donated after the additional admissions. All money contributions will be used to buy additional items needed for the Holiday kits.HOLIDAY FOOD KITS: Stuffing Mixed Canned vegetables, Gravy Mix,and Mash potatoes (Instant). Mic will be collecting additional Holiday Kits from, Nov 10-28. Here is a sneak peak of the concert:The Musical Eagle Scout Project Thursday November 20th Introduction: Mic Lopp THS Chamber Choir I’m a Train ,Good King KongParade of the Wooden Soldiers,We Wish You a Merry Christmas,Lex Hatch: SingerMichael Magistro: SingerSongs of Josh Groban THS GUITAR CLUB MEMBERS:Mic Lopp,Nikki Crandall, Katie Fairchild,Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol Mic Lopp: New Age Piano MusicDust in a StormOcean TidePathway to EternityA Blind Dream. Thank you all for coming and donating food and supporting me with my Eagle Scout Project.It's going to be so much fun!


Julie said...

Ahhhh. What a nice sissy I have for thinking of my little boy, I mean big boy. That was very nice of you to put his concert on your blog. Hope we gets lots of people. Went to Macey's and got boxes and brown paper bags to put all the food in.

Missy said...

What a great project!

karen louise said...

What a NICE aunt!!! :) I'll be there :)

Angie said...

I'll see ya there tomorrow night! I'm going with Alice. Ii's really neat what he is doing! Motivation!!! I'm sure it will be fun especailly if Gary comes and helps me tackle Clark down this time!