Saturday, November 8, 2008

Gratitude day 8

This is my sweet Grandmother, who I am so grateful for! She is an amazing woman! I can remember vividly when i was a child her cooking these wonderful meals. She is the best mashed potato maker in the world! Her and I used to have laughing contest all the time and we would laugh for hours.. I was surprised to see how good she looked after having surgery and going through radiation. She is very tired but in good spirits! She has always been there for me! I love her with all my heart! She is very close to her heavenly father and has always been a great !example of what a Christlike person should be! My kids love to go to great grandmas house! She is so good to them! We all love you Grandma


Shorty said...

Grandma really did look surprisingly good after all she has gone through! I just love her with all my heart; she has really been my Mom all these years, especially since my Mom passed 17 yrs. ago on Veteran's Day.

karen louise said...

She is the best grandma, ever. When I think of memories with her, I have a zillion of her laughing!!! I love her too!!!

Shelley said...

I love Grandma! She is the sweetest person I know ... she is the reason Dad is the sweetest Dad on earth! Joni, you should take your laptop over and show her your blog. She will think she is famous :-) Tell her hi from me and that we love her. Kimee was just talking about her the other day and how much fun she had singing for her when we went down. Kimee will always remember that. She wants to sing for her again.

Julie said...

Hey, tell Grandma hello from all of us here who are up in trees without a paddle. Ha Ha!

Julie said...

Tell Grandma we love her very much and miss her and hope she is doing well. She is the best Grandma in the world. All the kids say hi

gary said...

She is the best grandma in the world. She has such a big heart. I just love her so very much. I love to go see her and hear all of her stories of what we did together when i was a kid. I have heard the same story about my trip in the tunnels with grandpa about a thousand times and i love it every time she tells it!!!!!!!!! She has quite the memory. She is filled with so much love and i agree with Shelley she is the reason that we have such a sweet Dad!!!! I also wanted to say that i am grateful for the two Nobles in her life. Grandpa was always so nice and i loved sitting on his lap and being with him. Uncle Noble you are great. I love you so much and always love to see you.