Sunday, November 23, 2008

This picture is entitled" Walk with me" by Greg Olsen, one of my favorites!
I walked today where Jesus walked,
In days of long ago;
I wandered down each path He knew,
With rev’rent step and slow.
Those little lanes, they have not changed—
A sweet peace fills the air.
I walked today where Jesus walked,
And felt His presence there.
My pathway led through Bethlehem,
Ah, mem’ries ever sweet; The little hills of Galilee,
That knew those childish feet;
The Mount of Olives:
hallowed scenes That Jesus knew before.
I saw the mighty Jordan roll
As in the days of yore.
I knelt today where Jesus knelt,
Where all alone He prayed;
The Garden of Gethsemane—
My heart felt unafraid!
I picked my heavy burden up,
And with Him by my side,
I climbed the Hill of Calvary,
Where on the cross He died!
I walked today where Jesus walked And felt Him close to me!
—Daniel S. Twohig

Today I am grateful for the chance we have to walk where jesus walked. President Monson has said "In a very real sense, all can walk where Jesus walked when, with his words on our lips, his spirit in our hearts, and his teachings in our lives, we journey through mortality.
I would hope that we would walk as he walked—with confidence in the future, with an abiding faith in his Father, and a genuine love for others."
Jesus has walked the paths that we all have taken, dissappointment,pain, temptation, obedience and prayer. May we all remember that he is there to walk with us through our trials in our lives and to help us become more like him!


Lynda said...

I love the picture and the sentiment - so beautiful and true. Thank you for the reminder of what is most important.

karen louise said...

I've never seen this picture, I love it!! Thanks for sharing! I love love love your new blog look!!!

Angie said...

I haven't seen it either. I love it and the poem was beautiful! I'm grateful for your post today.

Lori said...

Hey Joni I love your new background! I don't remember reading that quote by President Monson but it was so good I wrote it down. It was great going to the movie by the way...wish I could have continued on with all of you for the night but Kyle had a concert he had to play for at 7:30. Hope you had a great birthday!

Julie said...

I love this post and the picture too. It's almost Tuesday but a nice one indeed